Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Project Lameway

Moi mentioned that Project Runway is really lame this season and it really is. It's like the producers realized that the only people we liked in the past were characters so they needed a whole season of characters. But it was an awful idea.

Because I hate nearly all of them.

And they don't even have names to me, they all have shticks and that is what they are...shticks. Even the one (or two) that I don't mind have their own little pigeonhole.

Oh and if they don't have a thing? They look exactly like another person.

Here's a rundown:

Jerry Tam - Bland asian middle-aged guy. Spoiler alert - Don't get attached. He's gone already.

Wesley Nault - New England trust fund guy. Spoiler alert - boring and gone.

Blayne Walsh - Tanning kid.

Daniel Feld - Is he the black guy? Oh no, he's what's his face. Sleezeball. He gives me the heeble-jeebles.

Emily Brandle - The Bettie Page girl. Oh no. The shy girl. Oh no. The other one. The one that's not any of these.

Korto Momolu - The African girl. Trust me, she'll remind you in every interview just which one she is.

Jennifer Diederich - The one that looks like Leanne and is overlooked like Leanne.

Jerell Scott - This one's the black guy, right?

Joe Faris - Hey, he's from Michigan. I don't remember who he is though. Beard guy? Yeah, beard guy. The one that isn't anyone else.

Keith Bryce - The you-are-really-cute-why-aren't-you-straight guy.

Kelli Martin - The blond Bettie Page.

Kenley Collins - The original Bettie Page.

Leanne Marshall - The quiet one that looks like Jennifer and is overlooked like Jennifer.

Stella Zotis - The one who likes leather. And wears hooker clothes that are WAY too young for her.

Stephen "Suede" Baum - He calls himself Suede. He talks in the third person. 'Nuff said.

Terri Stevens - The black woman.


Moi said...

I liked Wesley and was sad when he was auf'd. Did you see who he is dating now?

Whats up with having the same girl 4 times?!? I still can't tell any of them apart. Kelli is lucky she's blonde.

Stella, Suede, and Blayne are so annoying. I haven't like anything Stella has done. Can't they be voted off? Please!

Toi said...

You have not even mentioned the lame challenges either. A re-do of the grocery store challenge? AND THEY ALL BOUGHT TABLECLOTHS?!?! Have they ever even SEEN this show before?

And letting the models shop for the designers? I think that is unnecessary sabotage by the producers. Come up with a good challenge that lets the designers be innovative - not just reactionary. Like a model has any idea of how much cloth is necessary to make a dress.