Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We are finally out of the old apartment and the second I walked out the door (after cleaning for three days, scrubbing and smelling icky chemicals for at least two hours) a gigantic weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Work has been hella crazy lately. Ashley and I are working on this giant project and maybe have an eighth of it done between the both of us. I am supposed to be working for financial aid sometime too but I feel bad abandoning Ashley when it's so crazy. And I would have to go and do it up in admissions. Which is always awkward because I feel like an outsider.

Anyway life is pretty good. Katti says I can ride her bike to work. I bought a helmet this weekend and all I need now is a bike lock. I'm pretty pumped.

I started thinking about this upcoming semester and got really sad so I don't want to think about it until August 25. Thank you.

1 comment:

Toi said...

I *did* get your Erika message. I am really sad that she is leaving - she was my FAVORITE person in the office. I TOTALLY understand what you mean about feeling like an outsider in admissions. I always felt as though everyone belonged to this special group and hung out together alot and I never did so it was always a little awkward.

But! You don't work their permanently, so that's awesome. And it sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy which is good.

Ugh, moving apartments seems like this AWFUL thing I have to do. Speaking of, I am going to have some kind of housewarming party one of these weekends after I move. You up for it?

P.S. This was really hard to write because I am listening to Dr. Horrible at the same time and phrases such as "Bad Horse" and "BURN!" kept appearing in the middle of my sentences. Oops!