Sunday, January 11, 2009



I am tired of this apartment. I can't wait to get a real job and move anywhere but here. I am already sick of winter and I still have at least three more months of it to suffer through.

I'll do a life recap tomorrow/today when I've had one more day to absorb the crazy-, awesome-, cool-, lame-ness that was this break.

December 12, 2012 is my goal, Moi. It's just long enough away that it allows for any crazy things that might get in our way or delay it but it's close enough that I'm setting a goal for us. I love the repetitiveness it has to it too. I was all about 10-10-2010 but Nick's sister stole October and I don't think we'll be engaged by then. Also, 12-12-2012 gets it in right before the next apocalypse.

1 comment:

Moi said...

I shall keep 12-12-2012 wide open :). I expect to be busy that day.