Monday, May 17, 2010


I recently was promoted at work and am now a supervisor. It means nothing except never speaking French again. Not really but mostly. I rarely speak French now but still get paid for it.

I decided that I cannot start a blog right now because I have no time, energy or willpower to keep something going like that.

Nick has agreed (and expressed on his own, to my parents earlier today) that it would be nice to be married by the end of the year. He has not bought the ring yet (or he is lying to me...hmm... (He stated that he won't buy it until right before the proposal because he thinks I'd find it/find out. (Also I think it's because he gets too excited with surprises and would probably want to propose the second he got the ring (This has happened with many a Christmas present. It's adorable but the kid doesn't understand Christmas magic.)))) but has said that he knows when and how the proposal will go down. So keep the rest of the year open, ladies!

Nick's little sister is pregnant. The one whose wedding I was in back in October 2008. I thought I'd be jealous when this happened or upset but when I found out, I was so incredibly happy (and still am). It's a baby! A baby that I can play with and spoil and babysit and take care of and then give back. I am so excited. Nick's family is so adorable, they immediately bought tons of baby clothes, accessories, books etc. This is the first baby in the family in a long time. Nick said we'll use this as a test drive. This baby will probably determine if our baby timeline is moved forward, moved back or stays where it is. I am very excited. This is also the closest I have been to a pregnancy (personal relationship- and geographical location -wise) since I starting being all baby crazy and super aware of my imminent family timeline. So this is a lesson for me too. Have I mentioned how excited I am?

It is 5:30 AM and I can hear birds waking up. I don't have to work until 3:30 this afternoon. I love working second shift.

I'll hopefully be back more often. We will see. Also, I owe you all a bunch of phone calls and birthday wishes. I'm sorry. Love you kids.