Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Birthday week!

I decided that my birthday week (a week-long celebration of your birthday beginning the week of your birthday) will begin tomorrow as my birthday is too close to the end of the month for actual birthday week enjoyment.

Nick and I commenced birthday week by making frozen pizzas and drinking sparkling wine. Both of us being quite buzzed, Nick is now asleep.

I think I'll let him sleep.

I went with Katti and Oliver today to get this. Do you see that brush? It's really a comb. It's weird. But it was free.

I've never done the whole makeup thing so it is taking a little bit of time to get used to. I am not looking forward to taking it off.

And I poked myself in the eye a couple of times. Now my eye is bloodshot. But it is gorgeously bloodshot.

I am going to look for my camera tonight and tomorrow so you guys can have photographic proof of the awesomeness that is birthday week.

P.S. I totally am still laughing about my facebook fight. One of her skanky friends messaged me and I can't figure out why. I think she was trying to defend her but I seriously asked her why she was contacting me.


Moi said...

Did the friend ever reply back??? Don't leave us hanging!!!

I so wish I could be in GR to help celebrate your birthday week. Ice skating last year was soo awesome.

Toi said...