Thursday, February 19, 2009

funny story is this is serious

In other news, McMillan is in the hospital. She was teaching a class the other day and couldn't remember what she was talking about. She kept searching for a word and couldn't think of it. She said everything went out of her head, she couldn't remember anything and she thought she was having a stroke. She collapsed or started shaking or something and the nursing students helped her out and called Nurse Kim. She's been in the hospital since then. They took an MRI and there was a teardrop shape that was floating on her brain. They think she has a brain tumor but won't know for sure until the test results come back. Cindy and Pat went to see her and said she wasn't wearing a hospital gown, she was just wearing her normal clothes. How very McMillan.

I hope she's okay.

1 comment:

Toi said...

oh no! I hope she is okay. AQ w/o McMillan is too strange to even contemplate.