Friday, March 13, 2009

Kids, I need your help

I saw this movie, long ago, and I cannot remember what it was called.

It was on a ship? or a submarine? and the two ships/submarines were fighting against each other but then they all got sick so they banded together and housed the sick people on their ships/submarines. One of them was probably a German shipmarine.

This movie was probably a terrible movie. Every time I watch a submarine movie, I want to watch this mystery one.

Children, what is this movie?

I do not remember who is in it. Probably some men.

It is not U571. They just get blown up and the one guy drowns.


Pomme said...

I think I've seen that movie. Do you remember who's in it?

Anonymous said...

u 571?

SleepyGirl said...

I think I know this one too... I'll keep thinking about it. Presumably at four in the morning I'll ricochet out of bed shrieking the title.

SleepyGirl said...

It's not The Enemy Below, is it?

I know it has nothing to do with sick people, but it is two subs that hate each other but then don't hate each other and then one captain tries to save the other captain etc etc etc.