Thursday, October 16, 2008

Names have been removed so you don't hunt me down and kill me

I knew you were head over heels for God but I didn't know it was the spirit healing, homosexual-hating, anti-abortion, god.

I should have guessed as much when you couldn't live with your fiancé before you got married but I held on to hope that our god was the same god. It apparently is not.

RE:[...]HATES living in GR, and wants to move, and is terrified because someone tried to break into our house last night, after breaking into our car AGAIN! ugh!

"Crime happens everywhere and once it happens to you it puts fear in you. Did [...] ever have anyone pray through that house before he moved in? The property? We should come over and anoint the house, the property, and your vehicles. I'd be happy to do that and I'm sure I can find some others to do that with us. I think you will see a big difference. Now is not a good time to sell your house so we need to pray and let God show you what a great protector He can be."

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