Sunday, August 24, 2008

So tomorrow is the first day of my last year in college.

And that is terribly depressing.

I am trying very hard to just breathe. I've tried every meditation exercise from my Nutrition, Exercise and Stress class (best. class. ever. I still, obviously, use the meditation techniques we did every day in that class.) but lately I have been returning to my France mantra.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. I'm okay. It's okay.

I've been crying over every little thing. Which, you know, would be fine except I had finally gotten over my uber-sensitive crying phase.

Dude. Depressing emo blog man. I shall stop now and go eat something before winding down and going to bed.

I love you dudes.


Moi said...

Awww...its okay to be sad about it. I was. But it will be okay. It'll be a fun year and you'll learn a lot. Just take it easy and you'll be great, :)

Pomme said...

Well, at least you still have the year left! I just hit me that I am NOT going to be back at AQ this fall! It's so weird and sad!

Have fun! Make the most of the time left!

Call me so we can set something up before I leave next week!

Toi said...

Don't stress about it. Senior year is actually a lot of fun and you will have a great time. Keep doing your breathing exercises and take it easy. You'll be fine!!