Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Future

Is it terrible of me to be disappointed that I won't be engaged within the next six to eight months?

I mean, we've been together for over 5 years. Come on already.

Is it okay to talk about a wedding and expect a proposal any day now?

But unless Nick's tricking me, it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. Nick wants to go back to school and he wants that to happen before he proposes.

Because once again, he has this grand idea in his head that I want something I don't. This time he thinks I want an expensive engagement ring when I am perfectly happy with spending $125 or $150 or $200 or still $200. But no. He wants to get me a diamond ring or something equally gross and normal.

I am thinking of proposing to him. Just so I can get this party started already.


Toi said...


(This is Moi. I just didn't want to sign Toi out of all of her accounts.)

Michelle said...

I'm going through the exact same thing with Jason.

I didn't know you had this blog. I've been thinking about leaving woohu too but I dunno. :/